Executive Consulting Resumes/Jobs


$200,000 to $400,000
Summary: I am an Product Marketing Executive with a proven track record in developing and executing product plans on local, national and international scales for telecommunications, web-related and high technology companies.
$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: For more than twenty years, including my current work as an independent consultant, my career has encompassed the development and execution of strategies, programs, and leadership in support of HR functions and operations with both domestic and international experience.
$200,000 to $400,000
Summary: 15+ years leadership experience in premier and innovative organizations, including a multi-billion dollar global company and high-growth startups. CPA, Master's in Management, and a consistent track record of helping emerging businesses achieve outstanding results.
$150,000 to $300,000
Summary: Experienced CTO, Vice President, Director, and Lead Scientist; uniquely qualified to develop solutions for your most complex problems, policy, and recommendations for water-food-energy security, environmental, resiliency, critical infrastructure, national security, and policy problems. I am called the 'fix-it-man.'
$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: Successful executive with multi-function experience. I am the "pie-in-the-sky to pie-on-the-table" executive who will help you grow your business while improving profitability.

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