Manager of Operations Resumes and Jobs


$100,000 to $200,000
Location: Philadelphia
Summary: I've led success and change in several different business environments, including material handling, inventory control, logistics, process improvement, and I.T. project management.
$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: Customer-centric, results-oriented leader, change agent, strategic and courageous, strong written and verbal communication, driven to succeed, analytical problem solver who seeks mutually beneficial relationships.
$100,000 to $200,000
Location: Northeast USA
Summary: Senior Operations Manager knowledgeable in the areas of Project Management, Policies/Procedures, Customer Liason, Financial Management, and Relationship Management. Dynamic problem-solver with strong analytical and mathematical skills. Recognized for strong efficiency abilities - making order out of chaos.
$200,000 to $400,000
Summary: Proven customer facing/operations business re-engineering skiils that increase productivity and drives profits to the bottom line. Well versed in C-level communications.
$100,000 to $200,000
Location: San Jose
Summary: 8 years of sales and marketing roles followed by 7 years of general management and then 7 years of consulting for service businesses provide the know how to build productivity and effectiveness into a service business.

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