Risk Management and Compliance Resumes and Jobs


$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: Strong knowledge in diverse areas such as traditional and non-traditional financing, managing rapid growth, human resources, information technology, budget management, banking, auditing, cost accounting, insurance, Six Sigma, Kaizen, Kanban, ISO certifications, DCAA and ITAR controls, and import / export compliance.
$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: Strong financial manager with 25+ years of experience including compliance officer, audit partner, and valuation expert looking for an opportunity to evaluate the big picture and the enthusiasm and commitment that comes with understanding and enjoying the entrepreneur experience.
$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: Progressive and forward-thinking executive with over 15 years of experience in senior leadership auditing, risk management, and process improvement roles. Continuously striving to gain insight into internal/external customer needs and fulfill expectations with keen ability to set clear expectations
$100,000 to $200,000
Location: Southeast USA
Summary: Credit Manager with domestic/international expertise in a variety of manufacturing industries. Strength in translating business objectives into process, systems and cost improvements that increase productivity and improve customer satisfaction. Key traits include being energetic, decisive, assertive, logical, and friendly.
$100,000 to $200,000
Location: Midwest USA
Summary: Progressive managerial and business advisory experience. Highly adaptive and results-oriented. Demonstrated management of people andprojects in dynamic business environments. Strong organizational, analytical and interpersonal skills. Experience in Finance, Credit, Collections, Contracts, and Project Management. BS and MBA.
$200,000 to $400,000
Location: New York City
Summary: Senior Credit Risk Manager with over 20 years of investment banking experience.
Strong analytic and problem solving skills and sound credit judgment. Provide solutions to challenging issues. Develops strategic relationships. Manages team and inspires excellence. Unquestioned integrity and professional values.

$150,000 to $300,000
Location: Northeast USA
Summary: Experienced Credit Risk Manager with practical skills in managing credit portfolios in the United States and Latin America. Experience includes business development, credit structuring, portfolio management and loan workouts.

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