Custom Career Service Member, Naperville, IL
“Your Web site is terrific. I have used your Email-My-Resume tool to contact over 400 of the top recruiters on your “Rites-Honored” list. In less than 10 minutes I did what otherwise would have taken probably at least a whole day. I also posted my resume in both databases. That was easy too. Already I am hearing from recruiters. I’m surprised and really pleased. What a great reward for almost no effort! I have used Rites of Passage and the Workbook for a previous job change. This Internet site is exactly what was needed to complete your program and make it easy to do. Thank you and keep up the good work.”
Custom Career Service Member, Garfield Heights, OH
“I got three offers -- all from better companies and up a notch in responsibility. I’m accepting the one with 30% more base salary and I don’t have to relocate. The first year’s bonus is guaranteed. I’ll crack $400,000 for the first time in my life. There’s no way I’d be where I am today without and Rites of Passage. For me, the merger has been a blessing, as your great books and website have been too. Thank you!”
Custom Career Service Member, Carmel, CA
“WOW!!! I can’t believe your new RECONNAISSANCE. How do you sort through all those other web sites and cherry pick the Finance jobs? I would never have the time or patience to do that myself. Those new job posts by email every day are now the best thing you do. On three of them, I guessed the companies and wrote directly to their CEOs. (Thanks for that tip too!) Bottom line -- I’m in a great new job that I would never have known about except for RiteSite. RiteSite and Rites of Passage are the best money I ever spent.”
Custom Career Service Member, Chatham, NJ
“The ‘Insights’ and ‘Memos’ you send me every week are absolutely the best advice I get anywhere. Such wisdom and common sense! I smile whenever I see there’s one in my email. I have read Rites of Passage cover to cover and also have used your Workbook. Now my subscription to your Website service is the most valuable career tool I have!”
Rites-Honored Recruiter, Chicago, IL
“We had never done a search in that field before. I went into your database of identity-revealed resumes and found two people who cracked the search wide open. One eventually got the job. The other went far out of her way to suggest about ten other people and let me use her name in contacting them. Two became candidates and the others were great sources. Your people really know how to work with a search firm?”
Custom Career Service Member, Aurora, CO
“I prepared my resume using your book and workbook, mailed and emailed to your recruiter lists, and posted my resume on RiteSite. The result was 5 offers to choose from. I’m joining a small, fast-growing $100 million company as VP - Product and Marketing Management, reporting to the CEO. When I put out my resume to the recruiters on your RiteSite lists I stated a compensation range of $175,000 to $225,000. My total package will exceed $225,000. Compare that to what I was making as an active duty army colonel with total compensation (using Army figures) of about $120,000."
Custom Career Service Member, Bronxville, NY
“I’ve successfully put a billion dollar company online for most of its sales and customer service. RiteSite operates in the ways that worked for us. You are listening to your customer and doing business accordingly. I just wanted you to know that I am a big fan. I hold up your book at networking meetings and send people to RiteSite. You’ve got the best total program.”
Custom Career Service Member, Madrid, Spain
“I got my MBA only 4 years ago. I’m American, but all my experience has been in Europe. Now I want a job in the U.S. I’ve established an address and phone number in L.A. Using your recruiter contact lists and posting my resume on RiteSite, I am getting inquiries from your Rites-Honored search firms, and all of the jobs pay over $100,000. Not bad for someone with only 4 years experience. Soon I’ll be ready to invest in a trip home at my expense. I can’t imagine any other way to do such an efficient campaign in the U.S. while working in Spain.”
Rites-Honored Recruiter, Chicago, IL
“I am really impressed with your Rites-Honored database of identity-revealed resumes. The sorting is very specific and the sub-sorting by keyword fine-tunes the selection. I wish our own system would be as efficient as yours. Also, your members are surprisingly good in overall quality as a group. That’s why I’m encouraging four other people in our office to use RiteSite, including our Director of Research.”
Custom Career Service Member, San Francisco, CA
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your weekly emails of “Insights” and your “Memos.” This latest Insight hit me like a ton of bricks! For most of my career, I have been identified as a high potential person, a change agent, the first one to start a new division, etc. When I have taken a fall, it was for exactly the reason you cited, with the senior guy asking me to do the things he had been unsuccessful in doing or had simply been afraid to do. I so appreciate your advice. I won’t make the same mistake in my next job.”
Custom Career Service Member, New York, NY
“I was CEO of an E-commerce company that failed. However, I have a broad set of skills and I scored some head-turning successes earlier. Using your recruiter contacting system was a revelation to me. Not only did several respond, I spent some ‘quality time’ with some of them. The result is that I’ve just accepted a great job with a $350 million division of a Fortune 100 company. I’m unusual in having both an MBA and an Engineering PhD and some good general management experience. I’ll be heading both manufacturing and marketing of all new products.”
Custom Career Service Member, Liberty, MO
“I’ve got two face-to-face job interviews coming up. One is with one of the largest banks. That came through personal networking, where I used your ask-for-a-reference technique. The other is with a leading venture capital firm. It came via the RiteSite recruiter emailing function. That does illustrate your point that no job seeking technique should be ignored.”
Custom Career Service Member, Plano, TX
“I’ve used a lot of Web sites, both free and paid. I eliminated the others. RiteSite is the only one I kept. I figured I’d spend about 8 months to relocate in a $400,000 job and that’s just what I’ve done. Thank you RiteSite!!”
Custom Career Service Member, Redmond, WA
“Thank you very much for all your help. Rites of Passage definitely put everything in perspective, and your Web site made it so much easier to contact and build relationships with some of the top recruiters. I recently landed a job as Director of Project and Program Management for the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa region of a Fortune 50 company; leveraging my extensive experience in another top 50 company. I report directly to the president of the region. The job is wonderful and I really enjoy the people I work with. However, this doesn't mean I want to be out of sight and out of mind. I’m staying in the RiteSite Identity-Revealed database, but updating to show my new job.”
Custom Career Service, Orinda, CA
“The "Insights" you have sent me are excellent! I have read your book cover to cover and also have used your workbook. Please keep up the good work. My subscription to RiteSite is THE most valuable career tool I have!”
Recruiter, Los Angeles, CA
“I’m a contingency recruiter and PROUDLY SO. That said, I love RiteSite and the fact that you demand identification from everyone who posts on the site. I realize that puts off a lot of people, but not me. Actually, candidates have told me that they responded just because I was on RiteSite, when they wouldn’t have if I were on some of the other sites.”
Rites-Honored Recruiter, New York, NY
“As a Rites-Honored Recruiter, I use your ID-revealed database. Often, I don’t bother with ID-concealed resumes, no matter what site they’re on. However, this time I needed someone who had successfully started up a VC-financed company and, even so, would be willing to move. Well, I looked in your identity-concealed resumes and found the successful candidate. It turned out that she was almost paranoid that her own VCs might find out she wanted to move. So that was the only place she posted. She and I are both lucky she did.”
Custom Career Service Member, Miami, FL
“Thank you for your thoughtful and obviously-not-boilerplate reply. And then to get a personal phone call to follow up! Obviously you have been working hard to see that RiteSite provides the same value and professionalism as the original John Lucht book. Thank you so much for your help!”