Executive Frequently Asked Questions...-
To provide powerful COMPUTERIZED TOOLS for executive job-changing -- tools NOT AVAILABLE ELSEWHERE.
The late Mr. John Lucht, author of Rites of Passage at $100,000 to #1 Million+, America's and the world's #1 bestseller on executive job-hunting created RiteSite knowing what executives need to do. So, RiteSite offloads much of your work to our computers.
That's right. There are thousands of job sites, and several -- both paid and free -- are for executives. We wouldn't have spent millions to program what others already provide.
All of the main ones: (1) Discovering JOB OPPORTUNITIES. (2) Becoming known to the TOP EXECUTIVE SEARCH FIRMS. (3) expanding your NETWORKING. And (4), providing SKILLS and COACHING.
Every day hundreds of executive-level jobs are posted somewhere on the Web. Do you have time to monitor thousands of Websites? Can you stay glued to the "Consolidator" sites? Of course not. But our unique RECONNAISSANCE programming (and our dedicated editors) do that for you. Tell us whether you want your leads DAILY, HOURLY, or WEEKLY.
Yes, because our programming and people SCREEN VERY SELECTIVELY. You not only get more jobs; more are worthy of your consideration. We DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME.
They're the ones executives most want to reach, because they fill the vast majority of executive jobs. 515 out of many thousands of firms profess to do 100% of their searches ON RETAINER -- paid as consultants, regardless of whether anyone they recommend is hired. Only RiteSite identifies these rare top firms. No one else -- not even the leading recruiter directory -- imposes our stringent standards and compiles this information.
Our unique automated "EMAIL-MY-RESUME" tool enables you to (1) scan all 515 firms in about 5 minutes, (2) select the ones you want to reach, and (3) automatically send to all you choose. Moreover, (4) you send to each in the format that firm demands (attachment or body-of-the-email). Also, (5) every message is SENT INDIVIDUALLY from YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS, not ours. And (6) you completely bypass your Internet vendor’s penalties for sending "bulk" emails. Several breakthroughs have been required to bring you this tool!
Yes, we have TWO. Both are unique. One is strictly LIMITED ACCESS. Only members of "Rites-Honored" search firms can enter. There, you post your Identity REVEALED resume because you want them to find and phone you easily. The other database is WIDE OPEN TO THE WORLD. There, you post your Identity CONCEALED resume because you want EXPOSURE while CONTROLLING RISK. Contingency recruiters and anyone else can find you there. With luck, you may even show up occasionally on a Google search. However, anyone interested must email you through our computer. They don’t know your identity. You're in control. You respond if interested. Stay hidden if not.
You'll be pleased. Our "MEMBERS-HELPING-MEMBERS" tool enables you to MULTIPLY your contacts. You (1) search the Identity-Concealed resume database to choose members with appropriate backgrounds. Automatically, you (2) email "Invitations to Network." (3) If interested, the "invited" member responds, revealing his/her identity. Soon you and former-strangers -- some, thousands of miles away -- are in touch and helping each other.
NOTE: Member privacy is protected. Not everyone will join you. Many will be busily employed and/or have different priorities. On average, 14% of all "Invitations" are accepted. So send plenty. Many will yield valuable job leads and some may create lasting friendships
Yes, exclusive access to job-hunting tips. You’ve probably read Rites of Passage at $100,000 to $1 Million+. Every week, you get two emails with time tested advice, one is on finding a new executive job and the other is on moving upward. RiteSite weekly articles do NOT duplicate the book. These recommendations are also collected on RiteSite in "RITESITE UNIVERSITY." Click on any subject -- and topic -- that interest you.
Many of our members like to stay vigilant for new opportunities, even when solidly employed. Also, they don't want to give up RiteSite's weekly emails on succeeding and moving up with their current company. For our part, we are pleased to be widely helpful and appreciate the vitality having a large proportion of employed executives brings to the site.
NOTE: There is no need to terminate your RiteSite membership. We will NEVER automatically renew and charge your credit card.
Yes, if we "unbundled," we could increase sales. But that would be short sighted. We spend virtually nothing for advertising. Over 90% of our sales come from member recommendations. We’ve found that the best way to make sure members love RiteSite and bring in their friends is to provide all of our tools to everyone. That way, members try the full array and "customize" to their own personal needs and preferences. So here's your invitation: Come join us with "CUSTOM CAREER SERVICE." Accelerate your search with computerized tools.