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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is RiteSite better than the other sites that let me post free of charge?

  2. What else makes RiteSite better than the other employment sites from the recruiter's point of view?

  3. Who will I find in RiteSite's Resume Database?

  4. Do I have to register to search the database?

  5. How much does it cost to register as a recruiter or an employer on RiteSite?

  6. When I find a promising resume, how do I contact the person it represents?

  7. Besides being able to contact executives regarding their resumes, what other advantages do I gain by registering?

  8. What is a "Rites-Honored Recruiter" and how many are there?

  9. How can I find out if my firm is Rites-Honored?

  10. This is my first visit to RiteSite. I'm not registered and haven't paid anything. Yet I can see resumes. Whose are they? And why are you letting me see them?

  11. Is there another database of resumes I cannot see?

  12. Do I have to identify myself and my firm when I post on RiteSite?

  13. In other words, postings by recruiters from Rites-Honored firms don't display detailed identifying information, but postings by other recruiters and employers do. Is that correct?

  14. My firm is on the list of Rites-Honored Recruiters, but I'm still a bit leery. Isn't posting here a bit like 'going public' with my search? Won't I attract a lot of attention I don't want?

  15. How do I keep track of what I've posted on RiteSite and what responses I've received?

  16. How private and confidential is my search administration data on RiteSite?

  17. I'm an entrepreneur-founder of a new business putting together an initial management team. Will RiteSite help me?

  18. I'm a recruiter. If employers can also use RiteSite, doesn't that spoil it for me?


  1. Why is RiteSite better than the other sites that let me post free of charge?
    RiteSite gives you wider exposure. We show your job posting to everyone. Other sites with free postings conceal your job and show it only to their members.
  2. Top

  3. What else makes RiteSite better than the other employment sites from the recruiter's point of view?
    RiteSite has many unique features. Note its exceptionally precise sorting methods. Also, although you won't see them until you register, RiteSite has an array of "Worktable" tools. They automate search administration in ways that other sites don't even address. Most important of all, of course, is the fact that executives grant RiteSite an unusually high degree of trust and participation, because 1) it's associated with Rites of Passage and 2) it demands and displays checkable identity information from the recruiters and employers who use it. And, finally, RiteSite -- being mainly supported by fees from executives - provides both its job postings and its unique search-administration tools free of charge.
  4. Top

  5. Who will I find in RiteSite's Resume Database?
    Upwardly mobile executives who are making their achievements known because they're interested in career advancement. Many are readers of Rites of Passage. They are sophisticated about their careers, and well aware that they should know and cooperate with outstanding recruiters whenever the opportunity arises. Rites readers respond … even if just to help identify other prospects for jobs that aren't appropriate for them.
  6. Top

  7. Do I have to register to search the database?
    No, the database is open to everyone. BUT, for your protection and that of the executive, you do have to be registered to contact prospects through RiteSite.
  8. Top

  9. How much does it cost to register as a recruiter or an employer on RiteSite?
    Absolutely nothing!
  10. Top

  11. When I find a promising resume, how do I contact the person it represents?
    When registered, you can send a message directly to that individual with a single click.
  12. Top

  13. Besides being able to contact executives regarding their resumes, what other advantages do I gain by registering?
    Registered recruiters and employers can post an unlimited number of jobs entirely free of charge. Recruiters from the list of highly respected retainer-compensated firms honored in Rites of Passage are allowed to post jobs anonymously ... identified only as a "Rites-Honored Recruiter."
  14. Top

  15. What is a "Rites-Honored Recruiter" and how many are there?
    These are the recruiters of the 515 retainer-only firms listed as "outstanding" in Rites of Passage. There are approximately 2,000 recruiters in those firms.
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  17. How can I find out if my firm is Rites-Honored?
    Just click the "Who's Rites-Honored?" link on the left, to view a comprehensive list of the Rites-Honored firms and all the offices from which they operate.
  18. Top

  19. This is my first visit to RiteSite. I'm not registered and haven't paid anything. Yet I can see resumes. Whose are they? And why are you letting me see them?
    That's our database of Identity-Concealed Resumes placed there by executives who've purchased Custom Career Service. They want their achievements easily found by anyone who might want to approach them with an outstanding offer. The only way to do that is to send an e-mail forwarded by RiteSite's computer. They respond if interested, or stay hidden if not. You must register (free of charge) before you can e-mail them.
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  21. Is there another database of resumes I cannot see?
    Yes. Most purchasers of CCS select the Rites-Honored Option to put an Identity-Revealed Resume -- the same one they'd use in a direct mail campaign -- into a separate database that can only be viewed by recruiters from the 515 Rites-Honored firms. If you're from a Rites-Honored firm -- and registered -- these people are as accessible to you on RiteSite as if they were in your own firm's database.
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  23. Do I have to identify myself and my firm when I post on RiteSite?
    Yes. RiteSite emphasizes identity! If you're with one of the 515 exclusively retainer-compensated firms honored in Rites of Passage, we'll label you a Rites-Honored, and you can post without further identification. All other recruiters and employers must provide their name, their firm's name, its street and e-mail addresses, and its listed phone number, which will be reported whenever their postings are viewed or printed. The Internet abounds with headhunters of unverifiable identity. If you choose to post on RiteSite, you'll benefit from the credibility that comes from being in a place that caters only to participants who are willing to identify themselves.
  24. Top

  25. In other words, postings by recruiters from Rites-Honored firms don't display detailed identifying information, but postings by other recruiters and employers do. Is that correct?
    Yes, that is correct. Verified Rites-Honored recruiters and employers may post with no identification beyond RiteSite's standard notation of their status. All other parties must individually identify themselves and their affiliation, whether it's a search firm or a corporation.
  26. Top

  27. My firm is on the list of Rites-Honored Recruiters, but I'm still a bit leery. Isn't posting here a bit like 'going public' with my search? Won't I attract a lot of attention I don't want?
    Not at all. You stay in control of your search! Neither you nor your firm is known to be filling the position you describe. Therefore, you're free to ignore any and all replies. The luxury of anonymity is one of the benefits accorded you because you are Rites-Honored.
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  29. How do I keep track of what I've posted on RiteSite and what responses I've received?
    Whether you're a Rites-Honored Recruiter, another recruiter, or an employer recruiting directly, RiteSite brings you a highly sophisticated Search Administration System. You keep a strictly personal and private record of your current and past searches, including resumes submitted in response to your current postings and commentary regarding both current and past searches.
  30. Top

  31. How private and confidential is my search administration data on RiteSite?
    Information you have on RiteSite is solely your personal property, just as if it were on your own computer in your own home or office. The only exception would occur if your search firm or company were to assign you and others to share information on RiteSite while working together on mutual propjects. Otherwise, if others from your firm or company also take advantage of RiteSite, you will not be able to access their files and they will not be able to access yours.
  32. Top

  33. I'm an entrepreneur-founder of a new business putting together an initial management team. Will RiteSite help me?
    Absolutely! RiteSite is pleased to help every legitimate seeker of an executive-level employee, if the seeker is willing to identify himself or herself and his or her organization according to RiteSite's stringent identity rules. Helping executives achieve career breakthroughs and helping recruiters and employers find needed executives is RiteSite's mission. Best of all, you can post at no cost.
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  35. I'm a recruiter. If employers can also use RiteSite, doesn't that spoil it for me?
    Not at all. If you are doing the search on retainer, your client company will not come here and do the work you're being paid to do. If the search is on contingency, your client might conceivably post here or search the database in an effort to reach easily identifiable candidates before you do. But if that might happen, you're better off getting here first and presenting the candidate(s) before the client comes here and finds them. Of course, if you're a Rites-Honored recruiter posting anonymously, your client cannot possibly know that a job sounding a bit like his/hers was posted by you.
  36. Top

Debugging Information
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