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of Passage at $100,000 to $1 Million+...Your Insider's Guide to Executive Job-Changing and Faster Career Progress |
When one book outsells all others on the same subject by 20-to-1, there must be reasons:
The Philadelphia Inquirer: "Lucht's book is about as complete as any book on this far-ranging subject possibly could be." Chief Executive: "CEOs had better know everything there is to know about job-changing. As 'how to' books go, this one might serve as a model." The Denver Post: "Get this book! It will grip you with its specific tips on how to change, keep or better perform a job in the $100,000-plus range. It can even help you improve your advancement chances right where you are." American Way: "The message is crystal clear: Don't be afraid of the unknown -- take a risk that may pay off handsomely in the end." Financial World:
"How-to" books deserve to be judged by the ROI they deliver. On that single criterion, John Lucht's Rites of Passage will
far exceed even the most demanding investor's hurdle rate." |
of Passage at $100,000 to $1 Million+
643 pages
for the Journey ... Navigating to Thrive, Enjoy, and Prosper in Senior Management |
This latest book by John Lucht is your briefest, surest guide to moving up where you work. Lucht packs a lifetime of observation and experience--47 Insights--into just 104 pages.
Experts are extravagant in their praise of this unique handbook for achieving success, enjoyment, recognition, and financial rewards by excelling in a senior executive career. Yvonne Jackson, Chief Human Resources Officer of Compaq says: "Sometimes the finest things come in small packages, as does John Lucht's Insights for the Journey, by far the best book I have ever read on senior executive leadership, performance and strategy. Here are truths you've never seen before, plus the basics we all should live by...now together in one book. Insights can elevate performance while lowering stress and tension." Gerard R. Roche, Senior Chairman of Heidrick & Struggles says: "John Lucht knows whereof he speaks.
This book is profound and important. Yet it's fun to read. Once won't be enough!" |
for the Journey ...
Navigating to Thrive, Enjoy and Prosper in Senior Management
104 pages
Executive Job-Changing Workbook...Specific assistance with every aspect from resumes and cover letters to personal contacts, networking, interviewing and campaign strategy. |
Here are unique tools to develop your thoughts and speed you toward your goal.
Proceed confidently step-by-step under the personal guidance of John Lucht. Effort-saving formats you'll easily fill in help you figure out how best to present yourself...what to emphasize and de-emphasize, and what to write, say, and do to succeed in your search...planning your campaign, writing your resume and cover letter, networking, and interviewing. The challenging need to present yourself effectively on-paper and in interviews is greatly eased by the Workbook's templates and techniques. John Drake, Founder of Drake Beam Morin says: "Few have John Lucht's knowledge of executive job-hunting and recruiting. None can match his uniquely practical way of sharing that know-how. The Workbook provides truly professional assistance.
Combine it with Rites of Passage and you're armed with the strongest and most comprehensive total program available in print." |
Executive Job-Changing Workbook
568 pages